Logistics for shipments
Years of experience means we have been able to decrease result delivery times and optimise shipments using international land or air courier services depending on each case

How can we help you?
Non-obligation guidance
We use the very latest technology in order to guarantee safety during delivery. Specific requirements can be accessed in the private section.
We work with a number of national and international courier services that can collect samples at your clinic and ship them urgently to our laboratory. Additional information is available in the private section.
Each type of laboratory service requires a specific type of sample (plasma, serum, swabs and so on) and specific shipment conditions. In our private section, you will find information on delivery terms and conditions, as well as the type of sample that is needed for each test.
CryoShippers are designed for the safe transportation of biological samples at cryogenic temperatures (-150ºC or colder). These delivery containers are specially designed in order to keep the delivery in an upright position. This is important in terms of maintaining a stable interior temperature irrespective of other containers of others shapes and sizes.
- Ensure that the container you receive has been addressed to your clinic. Check that it is in good condition and appropriately sealed.
- Open it by cutting the safety flange that keeps the container sealed. You will find information on the sample that you have received inside the container. Check the temperature inside the cryogenic tank using the attached data logger.
- Open the cryogenic tank by cutting the safety flange. Fill the tank with liquid nitrogen up to the maximum level before removing the sample.
- Check that the samples match your request. Quickly remove the goblets with the samples and store them in their own tank or proceed to defrost them. Keep the sample in liquid nitrogen at all times.
A DataLong16® system ensures the safety and reliability of the journey that our samples take in any geographical location.
The device is connected to the Internet and has a GPS. It also has temperature, pressure and physical contact sensors. This means it is possible to perform on-line monitoring of the cold chain and a strict, permanent control of sample traceability.
- Improved temperature control;
- Physical impact control;
- An alarm-based monitoring system;
- Real-time monitoring;
- Automatic flight mode;
- Multimodal delivery: land, air, sea, rail;
- Encrypted data;
- Compliance with standards EN13486 and EN12830.