Altered sperm FISH. Is embryo Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) advisable? IB Research.
It is widely accepted amongst experts in the field of assisted reproduction and gynaecology that the most common cause of pregnancy loss is connected to genetic abnormalities in the embryo which render normal development impossible.
IB Research: Citokin analysis for early detection of endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a chronic inflammatory disease which causes dysmenorrhea or menstrual pain and, depending on where the lesion is located, it can also cause constipation or hematuria (blood in urine), pain during sexual intercourse and even sterility. The average time taken to detect it is 8 years, a period of time during which the patient has suffered from pain and has, quite possibly, been sterile. Its cause is, to date, unknown and its effect on fertility is variable. However, is it understood to affect 50% of women with reproduction issues.
Research to improve pregnancies in patients with implantation failure and recurrent pregnancy loss
The results of research work entitled “Comprehensive Chromosomal Screening (CCS) on D+5 to improve IVF cycle success rates in recipients with repeated implatation failure (RIF) and recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)” were presented in an oral presentation during the VIII edition of the Congress organised by the Spanish Association for the Study of Biology and Human Reproduction held in San Sebastian in November.
The results of research work entitled “Association of the e4 genetic variant in the apolipoprotein gene in patients with recurrent pregnancy loss and implantation failure” are presented in the form of an oral communication to the British Fertility Society Congress which is taking place in Newscastle.