Dr Bernabeu participation in the University Conference on the occasion of the Year of Biotechnology in Spain

  • 20-11-2014
On the occasion of the declaration of 2014 as the year of Biotechnology in Spain, the Department of Reproductive Medicine of the University of Alicante, Instituto Bernabeu organizes a training course scheduled for tomorrow, 21st November with the title "Conference on Biotechnology and Health" that aims to approach and improve teaching, communication and dissemination of biotechnology in our country.

Dr Rafael Bernabeu, medical director of our group, participates with the conference titled "Biotechnology and perinatal diagnosis" in this training program for students, teachers, and professionals. The course is free and those interested can register and find more information at the following link: http://dbt.ua.es/es/cursos-y-seminarios/2014-ano-de-la-biotecnologia-en-espana/2014-ano-de-la-biotecnologia-en-espana-jornada-sobre-biotecnologia-y-salud.html

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