Instituto Bernabeu sends all the data to the SEF National Activity Registry, who gathers the assisted reproduction real activity in Spain

  • 14-10-2020

The Spanish Fertility Society (SEF in Spanish) has accredited Instituto Bernabeu with a SEF Registry - National Activity Registry participation certificate, this is the Health, Consumer affairs and Social Services Ministry official registry for the assisted reproduction techniques. This document gathers the assisted reproduction national institutions data and allows to know the real situation of assisted reproduction in Spain. Again, Instituto Bernabeu participates in this information contribution, which agrees with its transparency policy. The clinic registers the results in the SEF Registry and the they are audited by external audition companies Applus ® and Instituto Fidelitas.

The clinic has recently published all the certified statistics of the 2019 achieved pregnancies on the website. This transparency exercise is within the frame of our science progress philosophy with a continuous information transfer. The Spanish Fertility Society National Activity Registry addresses all assisted reproduction techniques developed in the country. The report includes In vitro fertilization (IVF), intracytoplasmic sperm injection and Artificial Insemination (AI).

Out of this data transfer, we have to highlight that Instituto Bernabeu is a reference for those patients who were not successful on other clinics with an average of 2,5 treatments. This reality becomes a continuous challenge to overcome the complex medical difficulties to make pregnancy a reality.

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